Expression of Interest

Pan Cancer Sector Engagement


This Expression of Interest is to obtain your interest and availability for a workshop for the selection of patient experience and patient outcome measures across cancer types.


The Australian Real World Cancer Evidence Network (Pan Cancer) is undertaking work to achieve consensus on a core set of nationally agreed and standardised patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and patient reported experience measures (PREMs).  This work is being led by Movember and is a co-investment partnership between Movember and Cancer Australia. The workshop aims include to:

  • Collect perspectives and insights from diverse stakeholder groups regarding the domains or concepts (e.g. fatigue, pain, distress) that they believe are most important to prioritise for use in generic PROMs and PREMs.

  • Collect perspectives and insights from diverse stakeholder groups about how they would be able to benefit from the collection of generic PROMs and PREMs. This will include exploring PROMs and PREMs used before during and after treatments for symptom monitoring, problem identification, monitoring functional status, and using aggregate data for quality improvement purposes at a facility, state or national level.

  • Create open discussion on key discovery phase topics related to the selection of cancer related domains important to various stakeholder groups, including the timing of completion and method(s) of delivery, allowing stakeholders to voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions.

  • Support the identification of key areas for consensus, including, but not limited to, patient reported measure (PRM) domains, frequency of PRM completion, and methods of delivery, through structured discussions, helping to lay the groundwork for the subsequent Delphi methodology.

  • Understand the biggest barriers in patients completing PRMs.


The following workshops are available.